Banks in transition - new business models sought

Banks in Germany continue to consolidate their business models and implement numerous regulatory requirements. The future of the banking sector will be shaped by sustainability, digitization and the interest rate turnaround. With our solution-oriented approach and in-depth banking expertise, we generate inspiring ideas for new business models. We support banks in providing first-class customer experiences with consistent digitization and in successfully shaping their future in the dynamic banking sector.

Find out more!

Higher requirements, new competition and the power of digitalization

Demands on banks, companies, suppliers and customers will continue to rise steadily in the coming years. Banks must improve their customer relationships through consistent digitization and optimized digital interfaces to the customer. Pressure is coming from players outside the industry, such as Apple and Google, specialized providers like PayPal or Wise, but also from FinTechs. These companies impress with uncomplicated products and mostly completely digitized processes. They score with new services, specially tailored to demanding, well-informed customers. The interest rate turnaround brings opportunities such as attractive overnight deposit accounts and bonds for investors. On the other hand, real estate loans are declining due to enormously increased prices in metropolitan areas and unfavorable interest rates.

syracom consulting at a glance:

Payment transactions and liquidity management

How digital payments and instant payments are presenting banks and financial service providers with new challenges. Link

Sustainable Finance

Benefit from growth, innovation and a clear competitive advantage through sustainable management. Link


Mastering regulatory challenges: Efficient solutions for banks, insurance companies and asset managers. Link

Securities settlement

Smooth securities processes: from issue to settlement, at the customer interface and in the back office.

Generate sustainable growth

For more than a decade, syracom has accompanied banks in strategic projects. We identify optimization potential support the design and implementation of new products and services as well as the integration and transformation of system and process landscapes. Banking-specific understanding and expertise in the automation of business processes make us the ideal partner for digital transformation. The focus is on consistent customer orientation. Our solutions guarantee sustainable growth and strengthen your organizational agility. In this way, we create flexible and efficient solutions for you in a dynamic market environment.

The unique production process that we realized together with the "retail workbench" once again demonstrates the high level of professionalism and also the ability of syracom's consultants to think outside the box.

Peter Schirmbeck

Chairman of the board, DZ Privatbank

Your advantage with syracom: consulting from a single source.

Business processes

We support you in the analysis, optimization and automation of business processes.

Solution Engineering

Implementation of comprehensive yet customized IT security solutions.


Customized Atlassian solutions for optimal internal communication and smooth workflows.

IT Security

Implementation of comprehensive yet customized IT security solutions.

Project management

Failures are usually not due to technical difficulties, but to inadequacies in planning, control or coordination.

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Your contact

Kay Benk

Product Line Manager
Financial Services